Gloria Nusca | Pursuit of Passions

"Painting is a way to keep your mind occupied and your heart full. It brings joy to my life and I hope it brings joy to others who see my work."

Gloria Nusca black and white portrait showcasing her painting passion

Gloria Nusca's painting has been a lifeline since 1996, when she used it to cope with the loss of her son. She attended Mohawk and Dundas Valley School of Art, and her images were displayed and sold in the Royal Botanical Garden art showcase.

Painting makes her life more enjoyable and combats loneliness. She has learned patience and gained respect and appreciation for colors, forms, and people's expressions. "Eyes tell a story, especially in animals," she says. Gloria advises people to pursue their passion seriously and no let it pass them by. Recently published through the Central Ontario Artist Association, Gloria says she is content with her life and her pursuit of artistic expression.

Gloria painting on a glass paneGloria painting Passion: Painting
The Village of Tansley Woods